Room sizes and prices

Below are details of all our room sizes. Please use the contact form further down the page to enquire about availability.

7.5 Cubic Meters
€75.00 plus iva monthly

These rooms measure 2.0 meters wide, 1.50 meters deep and 2.50 high. Although compact, with 7.5 cubic meters, you can still store for example 60 -70 medium large sized removals boxes. To help visualise the space - it's half of a large Sprinter van.

9 & 10 Cubic Meters
€90.00 plus iva monthly

At 2.00 meters wide and deep and 2.50 tall, these rooms give a useful 10 cubic meters of volume - enough for around 90 to 100 medium to large boxes

12.5 Cubic Meters
€100 plus iva monthly

Moving on up to our 12.5 cubic meter rooms measuring 2.00 wide, 2.50 deep and 2.50 tall. More than enough space for two x 2 seater sofas plus around 75 removal boxes

13 Cubic Meters
€100 plus iva monthly

Now we're moving on up to the bigger units. These units would take the entire contents of a large long and tall van, so ideal for sofa's, beds, boxes etc. Ground floor units measure c.2.00 x 3.25 x 2.60

18 Cubic Meters
€140.40 monthly plus iva

These are proving to be a popular size. Equivalent of an extra long and extra high panel van.  All of our 18 cubic meter rooms are on the ground floor which are 2.60m high and with wider than average corridors, bright led automatic lighting and easy access

23 Cubic Meters
€149.50 monthly plus iva

With 23 cubic meters of capacity, and measurements of 3.50 meters wide, 2.50 deep and 2.60 high these are large rooms 

40 Cubic Meters 
€260.00 monthly plus iva

Why not go supersize.  With measurements of approximately 4.00 meters wide, 4.00 meters deep and 2.60 tall this would take the contents of your average 7.5 box truck or two fully loaded large Luton type vans. The price shown  includes an 18% discount for the first occupier

50 Cubic Meters 
€325.00 monthly plus iva

Perfect sized room for business use or to keep stock and still have room to move. Be quick, we've only one left at this size. With a huge 25% discount already applied for the first occupier grab yourself a bargain and stay as long as you wish. 

Discounts Available!
We've some great offers

10% discount on all rooms priced at €100 or more if you commit to 7 months or more...

15% discount for yearly pre-payment


We can only accept your monthly storage payment by credit or debit card. We use a trusted third party so we will not need your card details nor will we have such on file. You will receive a monthly email requesting payment usually two days before.

Contact Form

Want to get in touch? Please send us a message and we'll get back to you asap!

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